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Case Studies

Nomo Fintech and the Colibri team embarked on constructing a serverless data lake on AWS services

Our client, Nomo Fintech, is the rapidly evolving technology start-up behind Nomo Bank. They came to Colibri with the challenge of building a robust data architecture & they wanted to harness real-time data volumes and convert raw data into actionable insights. It was time for an innovative approach.

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As the company grows, the infrastructure is designed to grow with it, evolving and ensuring that the technological backbone of the bank remains robust and responsive to changing demands.

Together, Nomo Fintech and the Colibri team embarked on constructing a serverless data lake on AWS services. The result was substantial cost savings and operational efficiencies, supporting Nomo Finetch's compliance and technological advancement. It also provided the flexibility needed for scaling operations without escalating costs.

Ben Hughes, Head of Data, Nomo Fintech

When a user interacts with our app, we can detect it within six seconds, enabling rapid response and predictive insights. With enhanced infrastructure and a larger data team, we have the ability to swiftly pivot and deploy new data-driven projects, giving us a substantial edge in agility and innovation over traditional banking systems.

Ben Hughes

Head of Data, Nomo Fintech