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How Multi Agent LLMs Are Revolutionising Reporting

One area that stands to benefit significantly from the next evolution in AI technology — multi-agent LLMs — is journalism. In this blog post, I'll look into how multi-agent LLMs can generate comprehensive, timely, and insightful reports through intelligent collaboration.

Gelareh Taghizadeh, Head of Data Science

Gelareh, the Head of Data Science at Colibri, is an expert in Natural Language Processing, deep learning, and Generative AI. She has played a pivotal role in developing data science and AI strategies across various tech companies, enhancing AI systems. Her focus lies in driving business growth through innovative data solutions and fostering collaborative work environments. Deeply committed to diversity in technology, she actively advocates for inclusive practices within the data science field.

Gelareh Taghizadeh

Head of Data Science

I'm thrilled to introduce a new blog series titled “Impact of Generative AI in a Modern Data-Driven Industry” focusing on how Large Language Models (LLMs) are applied across various sectors. As the AI initiative lead at Colibri, I've had the great chance to see how LLMs and Generative AI are transforming industries firsthand.

Grasping the potential of AI is crucial for sparking innovation, which is why I've decided to share my insights and experiences through these posts. Often, the conversation around AI is dominated by its technical aspects, but its broader impacts are much more profound.

In this series, I'll highlight practical applications of AI across different industry sectors, showcasing the power of LLMs without delving too deep into the technical details. Each episode will feature a practical example specifically tailored to a particular industry, making the content as relevant and useful as possible.

Let's kick off this journey with our first episode, exploring Generative AI's impact in various sectors, tailored for architects, business SMEs, and beyond. I hope to not only inform but also inspire you with new possibilities — perhaps you'll find yourself thinking, “I didn't know LLMs could do that!” Join me as we explore the complexities and opportunities presented by this revolutionary technology.

Overview of Multi-Agent Systems

Multi-agent systems consist of several autonomous agents that interact and collaborate to achieve specific goals. Each agent operates independently, perceives its environment, and takes actions to fulfill its objectives. By working together, these agents can tackle complex tasks more efficiently than a single agent operating alone. Multi-agent LLMs bring together the capabilities of multiple models, allowing for more sophisticated problem-solving and enhanced efficiency. In journalism, this means more comprehensive reporting, faster news generation, and richer content creation. These systems can communicate, coordinate, and share knowledge, leading to superior outcomes in news production.

Foundations of Multi-Agent LLMs


The architecture of multi-agent LLMs involves multiple interconnected models, each with specialized roles. These agents can share information and leverage their unique capabilities to address different aspects of a problem. The key components include:

  • Autonomous Agents: Each agent functions independently, equipped with specific knowledge and skills.
  • Communication Protocols: Predefined protocols that facilitate information exchange between agents.
  • Coordination Mechanisms: Techniques such as task allocation and consensus building to ensure effective collaboration.
A multi-agent system utilising Large Language Models (LLMs)

Figure 1. A multi-agent system utilising Large Language Models (LLMs) devided into three primary components: Agents, Environment, and Tools. The "Agents" section outlines the process from receiving feedback to executing actions, highlighting the role of memory retrieval and planning through LLMs. The "Environment" section displays various platforms for agent interaction, including computers and real-world scenarios, all influenced by rewards. The "Tools" section enumerates essential aids such as APIs and crawlers that support the agents.

Inter-Agent Communication

Effective communication is crucial for multi-agent LLMs. Agents use natural language or specialized codes to exchange information and coordinate actions. Advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques are employed to interpret and generate human-like communication.

Coordination and Collaboration

Coordination mechanisms enable agents to work together seamlessly. This involves task allocation, where tasks are divided among agents based on their strengths, and consensus building, where agents agree on a common approach. Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) algorithms are often used to optimize collaboration.

Overview of a LLM-powered Autonomous Agent System

Overview of a LLM-powered Autonomous Agent System: the "Agent" uses tools like a Calendar, Calculator, Code Interpreter, and Search function for task execution. It integrates these tools through its short-term and long-term memory during planning. This planning phase not only leads to direct action but also engages deeper cognitive processes such as reflection, self-criticism, and thought chaining, demonstrating the intricate decision-making capabilities of LLM-powered systems and the crucial role of integrated cognitive functions.

Generating a Comprehensive Investigative Report

To illustrate the power of multi-agent LLMs, let's walk through a technical example of generating a comprehensive investigative report on a major news topic. This process involves multiple agents, each with specialized roles, working together to produce a detailed and insightful report.

The Scenario

Imagine a news agency tasked with creating an investigative report on the impact of climate change on coastal cities. The objective is to provide in-depth analysis, gather diverse perspectives, and present a well-rounded story. Here's how a multi-agent LLM system can achieve this:

(1) Data Collection Agents

  • News Aggregation Agent: Collects recent news articles, press releases, and official statements related to climate change and coastal cities. Utilizes web scraping, APIs for news sources, and entity recognition to extract relevant information.
  • Scientific Research Agent: Gathers relevant scientific studies, climate models, and environmental data. Accesses scientific databases, applies NLP for extracting key findings, and performs data mining.
  • Social Media Monitoring Agent: Monitors social media platforms to gauge public opinion, viral content, and emerging discussions on the topic. Uses sentiment analysis, trend detection, and natural language understanding.

(2) Data Analysis Agents

  • Statistical Analysis Agent: Applies statistical models to interpret the collected data, identifying patterns and correlations. Techniques include regression analysis, time-series analysis, and anomaly detection.
  • Sentiment Analysis Agent: Uses NLP to assess the tone and sentiment of social media posts and news articles. Techniques include sentiment scoring algorithms, topic modeling, and lexical analysis.

(3) Collaboration and Synthesis Agents

  • Synthesis Agent: Integrates findings from data collection and analysis agents, ensuring consistency and coherence in the report. Techniques include knowledge fusion, narrative generation, and coherence modeling.
  • Validation Agent: Cross-checks the synthesized information for accuracy and reliability. Techniques include fact-checking algorithms, source credibility assessment, and cross-referencing.

(4) Report Generation Agents

  • Writing Agent: Drafts the investigative report, presenting data insights in a clear and engaging manner. Techniques include text generation models, coherence optimization, and stylistic consistency.
  • Visualization Agent: Creates charts, graphs, and other visual aids to complement the written content and enhance understanding. Uses data visualization libraries, infographics design, and interactive graphics.

The Final Report

The final investigative report is a comprehensive document that includes:

  • Executive Summary: An overview of key findings and insights.
  • In-Depth Analysis: Detailed sections on scientific data, public sentiment, and expert opinions.
  • Impact Assessment: Analysis of how climate change is affecting coastal cities, including economic, social, and environmental impacts.
  • Future Projections: Forecasts on the future implications of ongoing climate trends.
  • Visual Aids: Charts, graphs, and infographics that illustrate key points and trends.

Challenges and Limitations

While the potential of multi-agent LLMs in journalism is immense, they do face several challenges:

  • Scalability: Coordinating a large number of agents can be computationally intensive and complex. Solutions include distributed computing and efficient agent orchestration.
  • Real-Time Communication: Ensuring seamless real-time communication between agents is crucial for effective collaboration. Techniques such as asynchronous messaging and consensus algorithms are used.
  • Ethical Considerations: Addressing issues related to bias, fairness, and transparency is essential to ensure these systems produce accurate and unbiased reports. Implementing ethical AI frameworks and fairness audits can mitigate these concerns.
  • Security Risks: Robust security measures are necessary to protect multi-agent systems from malicious activities. This includes secure communication protocols, anomaly detection, and access control mechanisms.


Multi-agent LLMs represent a significant leap forward in AI technology. By harnessing the power of collaboration, these systems can tackle complex challenges in journalism more effectively than ever before. As research and development in this field continue to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative and impactful applications of multi-agent LLMs.

Stay tuned for the next episode in this series, where we'll explore another exciting facet of AI in our data-driven world. From healthcare to finance, the possibilities are endless, and I can't wait to share more insights with you!


  • Exploring Large Language Model based Intelligent Agents: Definitions, Methods, and Prospects (2024): arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.03428
  • Russell, S., & Norvig, P. (2016). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Pearson.
  • Shoham, Y., & Leyton-Brown, K. (2009). Multi-Agent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic, and Logical Foundations. Cambridge University Press.
  • LLM Powered Autonomous Agents: https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2023-06-23-agent/